32 bore duelling pistols, William Moore, London

A superb and exceptional cased pair of 32 bore percussion duelling or officer’s pistols with no visible serial numbers. These guns were produced in 1840 and have browned bold Damascus octagonal 9”1/2 barrels, elegant colour hardened breech-blocks with triple gold bands and border engraving, white metal vents, colour hardened top-tangs with raised notch rear-sights, borderline and scroll engraved back-action locks signed “Moore, London” with sliding safes behind the slab-sided dolphin-headed hammers, with strong traces of colour. Walnut half-stocks with chequered bag-shaped butts, iron engraved trigger-guard bows, set triggers, white metal fore-end caps and barrel key escutcheons and ebony under-barrel ramrods, complete with their brass mounted walnut storage case lined in smooth maroon velvet, parchment “William Moore & William Grey” trade label inside lid and containing the complete original accessories, including a loading rod, three-way flask, ball mould, nipple key and cap tin, together with an undated description of the pistols.

Purchased at Holt’s Auctioneers. Part of the William Moore & Grey Collection.

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